B2B Marketing

B-to-B Marketer Follows the Money

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Lead generation has been the name of the game in B-to-B online marketing for some time now. The long, complex decision cycles that precede most B-to-B purchases and the relatively high cost of the products have led most marketers to believe that they


|  by Chief Marketer Staff

The Johnny-come-latelies of the e-commerce world are catching up. Business-to-business marketers although still trailing those in the consumer sector

The Water’s Fine

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

A MULTISOURCED prospect pool takes list-based business-to-business targeting to the next stage of sophistication and effectiveness. Rather than treating

Easy as 1, 2, 3

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

MEASUREMENT is a hot topic for marketers today. Everyone is under pressure to demonstrate results, deliver value to their firms and justify budgets. Fortunately,


|  by Chief Marketer Staff

DIRECT TALKED recently with Rob Norman about the current state of direct marketing media buying. Norman is director, interaction at Group M Worldwide

Reaching Out

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

WHAT ARE THE most effective ways to reach business buyers? You know the arguments: Some marketers swear direct mail is still best because targeted lists