Digital + Social
Quick Tips: E-Mail Opt-Outs
TIP 1: Don’t make a customer work to find your opt-out information
E-Mail: Did You Know…Only 16% Ask About Frequency?
In a recent study by the Direct Marketing Association’s E-mail Experience Council, just 16% of e-mail DMers
Stupid Political Watch: Republicans Spamming
Republicans are apparently passing e-mail names around like party favors.
Yeah, yeah. Puns suck, but I couldn
Supreme Court Won’t Reinstate VA Spam Law
The U.S. Supreme Court said yesterday it will not consider reviving Virginia’s anti-spam law. And as a result, spammer Jeremy Jaynes remains a free man
A Call to Managers: Cut the Nonsense
What is it about human nature in the workplace that makes those who have a little power crap all over those who don
Reported Internet Crime Soars; E-mail Top Fraud Channel: FBI
Consumers filed 275,284 complaints with the Internet Crime Complaint Center in 2008, marking a 33.1% increase over 2007, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation reported yesterday
Building a Following on Twitter
Web sites have users, Facebook has friends, and Twitter has followers. They follow your messages—and in the process, they follow your life.
Andrew Bast Joins Purple@Epsilon As Senior VP And General Manager
Andrew Bast has joined Purple@Epsilon, a multi-channel marketing agency, as senior VP and general manager.
EWayDirect Acquires The Catamount Group
EWayDirect, an online marketing service provider, has acquired The Catamount Group
Firm Promises E-mail List-Growth Success
Ask any e-mail marketer what their biggest challenge is and list-growth will surely be somewhere near the top.
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