Digital + Social
Back to the Basics: Analyzing Email Campaign Results
Even after the final email has been sent, email marketers still have work to do. When the email campaign is over, it’s time to analyze the results and review what worked—and what didn’t—so that you can improve your future campaigns. Before beginning subsequent email outreach, assess the following:
Back to the Basics: Perfecting Email Creative
By taking just a small amount of time to consider the following tips, email design can assist you in maximizing return on investment and communicating a consistent brand identity to customers.
Best Practices: 7 Ideas for Better B-to-B Email ROI
One error that many B-to-B marketers make is trying to accomplish multiple goals within a single email campaign, rather than remembering that simplicity rules and having a single objective with a compelling call to action is best.
Back to the Basics: 5 Considerations for Creating an Email Offer
Before you can communicate your message to your subscribers, you first need to think about your offer in the broadest sense. Put yourself in your email subscribers’ shoes. What are their questions, concerns and needs within your market, and how can you answer them?
7-Eleven Zynga Promotion
In 2010, 7-Eleven needed to drive trial for 27 languishing private label products from fresh fruit to hot foods. Convenience stores were known for quick-sell items. Just 8% of consumers thought of c-stores for meals. In addition, the recession had pushed convenience store sales down 20%
Back to the Basics: How to Optimize Your List
Here’s some of the basic best practices to review to make sure your subscriber list is flawless before you hit send.
What Social Network Matters for Your Brand
We all realize the importance of social networking in marketing, but what sites should your brand use?
According to the S-Net (The Impact of Social Media) study, LinkedIn now boasts the title of “most important social network.” This survey by ROI Research, Inc., sponsored by Performics, surveyed 2,997 active social networkers to discover that 59% consider having a LinkedIn account to be the most important. Fifty percent of respondents visit the site weekly, while 20% visit it daily. So your company should get onboard with LinkedIn, right?
Email Helps Pet Camp Connect With Customers
San Francisco’s Pet Camp doesn’t use email to hard sell it’s pet boarding and care services. Instead, it uses the inbox to build the emotional connection with dog and cat owners.
Email List Rental: Why You Need to Know Where Your Names Have Been
How sure are you that the email lists you acquire are sanitized? That whomever you obtained them from understands “freewill opt-in” and CAN-SPAM compliance the same way that you do?