Digital + Social
Why Yahoo Bought Tumblr for $1.1 Billion
Why did Yahoo spend $1.1 billion to buy Tumblr? Two words: native advertising.
8 Ways to Expand Your Pinterest Presence
(Search Engine Watch) We’ve all heard the impressive stat that 47% of U.S. online consumers have made a purchase based on recommendations from Pinterest. What can marketers do to boost that number and more effectively engage consumers on the site? Pinterest is doing its share by introducing new services for companies like business accounts. Here’s eight […]
5 Questions to Keep Your Social Campaign on Track
(memeburn) What can you do to make sure you can complete your social media marketing strategy without running out of steam? Here are five questions you can ask yourself to put your social media strategy into perspective and keep your social media campaign on track.
Social Can Help Insurers Build Personality, Leads
For local insurance agents, a robust social presence can be a great policy when it comes to generating leads.
Six Tips to Improve CTAs on Facebook Cover Photos
(Ignite) Ross Wilson Facebook recently gave brands more freedom with their cover photos allowing them to essentially post any content they want on their cover image as long as it’s honest and pertains to their business. The only real rule still left for banners is the 20 percent text-to-photo ratio. This article is a how-to […]
5 Social Media Tools to Simplify Your Life
(Social Media Examiner) Jamie Turner If your daily social media responsibilities have become a bit too much, you’re likely due for some help. In this post you’ll find an overview of five helpful social media management tools to make the job easier. One, Sprout Social, offers a pleasant user interface and enables users to quickly […]
Why You Should Know About Unpublished Page Posts on Facebook
A small change Facebook recently made should give it a few brownie points in marketers’ eyes: the social network now lets brand pages post “dark,” or unpublished, posts.
Data & Analytics
CM Tech Round-Up: Email Segmentation and Targeting
In this Chief Marketer Special Report learn the latest trends in behavior-driven segmentation and targeting, what email metrics matter, the importance of real time data, and email tools and tech you should consider to improve your ROI.
The Emergence of Influencer Marketplaces—Part II The Brands
Part II in a two-part series on influencer marketplaces, which comprise brand marketers and social partners. Part I focused on the role of the influencer.
Data & Analytics
Social Helps Raytheon Build B2G relationships
Raytheon CMO Pam Wickham shares ways defense contractor Raytheon is building B2G relationships in social media.