Digital + Social
E-mail Campaign: Jesus Hates the Yankees
Merchants generally like to straddle controversial issues in order to avoid offending any customers. Not
False-Positive Filtering Still a Problem: Lyris
False-positive spam filtering, despite improvements, continues to plague U.S. e-mailers according a study from Lyris Technologies.
DiGuido Ousted From Epsilon: Sources
Al DiGuido has been fired from his job as CEO of e-mail service provider Epsilon Interactive, Direct Newsline has learned.
Why E-mail Benchmark Studies are (Mostly) for Idiots
Any e-mail service provider knows that if there
Spam Arrest and Hormel Face Long Ordeal
It could be 2012 before there is a final decision on whether companies offering products to help fight bulk, unsolicited e-mail can trademark the word
19% of Commercial E-mail Blocked: Return Path
E-mail inbox providers blocked an average of 19.2% of permission-based commercial e-mail during the first half of 2006, according to e-mail deliverability concern Return Path.
The Spamhaus Project’s Linford: ‘I Keep the Internet Running’
What is it about being an anti-spammer that gives so many of these guys a God complex?
Maybe they
Dissent in the Ranks on Monopoly Rant
Turns out not everybody shares our opinion that the group Commercial Alert needs to get a life and stop protesting the commercialization of Monopoly.
Anti-Spammer Sues Richter, OptInRealBig
A long-time anti-spammer has filed a lawsuit seeking $27.4 million against e-mail marketing firm OptInRealBig, its founder Scott Richter and four of his alleged clients.
19% of Commercial E-mail Blocked: Return Path
E-mail inbox providers blocked an average of 19.2% of permission-based commercial e-mail during the first half of 2006, according to e-mail deliverability concern Return Path.