Digital + Social
Datran Survey Puts E-mail ROI in Question
Conventional wisdom, not to mention common sense, has it that e-mail delivers an astronomically high return on investment compared to other channels.
Pivotal Veracity Unveils Mobile E-mail Optimization Tool
E-mail deliverability firm Pivotal Veracity last week unveiled a tool to help marketers ensure e-mail gets delivered, and appears and works properly on mobile devices.
Stupid E-mail Watch: A Talking Cervix?
Planned Parenthood recently sent an e-mail campaign out recently with the attention-grabbing subject line:
McDonald Leaves Lyris, Joins Silverpop
Loren McDonald has left his position as head of communications for Lyris to take a job at e-mail service provider Silverpop.
E360 Back in Court, Suing Comcast
E360 Insight CEO Dave Linhardt, the e-mail marketer who is waging a well-publicized legal battle against anti-spam blacklisting concern Spamhaus, has filed suit against Comcast, this newsletter has learned.
Consumers Received a lot of Holiday “Junk:” Return Path
A significant percentage of consumers noted a surge in promotional e-mail in their inboxes this year and considered much of it to be
Meet Epsilon’s New CMO: Interview with Steve Cone
Speak to Steve Cone about marketing and it very quickly becomes apparent that direct response advertising runs through his veins.
The recently named CMO of marketing services firm Epsilon
Best Letter to the Editor Ever
Sure, we trade hacks don’t get paid a whole lot of money, but we are rewarded handsomely with great intellectual give and take. As a result, money is a secondary consideration.
E-Dialog Names Tim Carruthers VP of Engineering
E-mail services firm e-Dialog has tapped Tim Carruthers to serve as vice president of engineering.
Privacy Witch Hunt Goes After Sears
Sears last week became the latest business to come under fire from privacy advocates. The charge: The retailer failed to adequately disclose to consumers that joining its My SHC Community would result in tracking software being installed on their computers.