Digital + Social
AOL Checking for DKIM
AOL announced recently it is checking incoming e-mail for the DKIM authentication standard.
It has also reportedly made other changes to its whitelisting policy.
Epsilon Announces Key Promotions
Marketing services provider Epsilon made some fairly significant personnel announcements today.
We Know Better
Late last year, facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg declared that Beacon, Facebook’s new ad platform, would reinvent the advertising and marketing
Authentication Passes Halfway Point: AOTA
More than half of e-mail sent worldwide is authenticated, according to the most recent findings from the Authentication and Online Trust Alliance, which is expected to be released Thursday.
Retailers Not Capitalizing on Unsubscribes: EEC
And here comes yet another study showing that most merchants are failing to take advantage of the opportunities presented when someone unsubscribes from their e-mail marketing program—this one from the E-mail Experience Council.
E-mail Trust Firm Iconix Gets PayPal, Trend Micro Backing
Iconix—a company whose technology aims to restore consumer trust in e-mails from companies with which they do business—has taken a significant step toward gaining a critical mass of users by getting PayPal and Trend Micro to offer its technology to their customers.
Yahoo!, Cloudmark Implement Return Path Certification Scheme
Yahoo! and anti-spam firm Cloudmark have signed on to begin using Return Path’s Sender Score Certification whitelisting program as one of the gauges they use to determine if incoming e-mail is spam.
Emma Offering Video Services
E-mail marketing on-demand software provider Emma has struck a deal with StudioNow to offer e-mail marketers video editing and creation services.
GSI Commerce to Acquire E-Dialog
GSI Commerce, an e-commerce platform company, will acquire e-mail service provider E-Dialog for $147.8 million in cash and $9.2 million in stock, making the deal worth $157 million.