Digital + Social
Stupid Marketing Watch: Kodak Damages its Brand 400 People at a Time
For one of the most ill-thought-out, horrifically brand-damaging marketing efforts in existence, look no further than Kodak
Consumers Prefer E-Mail: Survey
Consumers prefer e-mail as a primary method of communications in their personal and business capacities and will continue to do so in the future despite the rise of online threats and the emergence of other communication channels, according to a study by Habeas.
DMA Silent on EEC
It’s been a week since the Email Experience Council’s spam campaign to its member list on behalf of women’s lifestyle magazine VIV was exposed here, and still no word from its parent the Direct Marketing Association on what it plans to do to restore credibility to its e-mail trade group
Goodmail Names New CEO
E-mail certification firm Goodmail Systems yesterday announced media and advertising executive Peter Horan is its new chief executive officer
Canadian Anti-Spam Bill Introduced
Canadian lawmakers are considering an anti-spam bill based on Australia
EEC: Standards? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Standards
The Email Experience Council has some splainin’ to do.
The group’s co-chair Jeanniey Mullen last week claimed a spam e-mail sent to members by women’s lifestyle publication VIV was a one-time “free gift” and that multiple issues of the unsolicited magazine received by members was simply a case of “good intentions gone bad.”
What the FTC’s New Rules Mean to You
The Federal Trade Commission yesterday issued four new rules under the Can Spam Act.
For the most part, they don
RatePoint Takes Aim at Constant Contact, Vertical Response
Customer feedback firm RatePoint is aiming to take business away from Constant Contact and Vertical Response
Oops! Virgin Trains Blasts Entire List with Test
Virgin Trains would like a do-over please. The UK railway operator