Digital + Social
Man Gets 30 Months for Spamming
A New York man was sentenced to 30 months in jail by a federal court earlier this week for sending unsolicited commercial e-mail to 1.2 million AOL subscribers.
Spam Makes Up 96.5% of Business E-Mail: Report
Only one in every 28 e-mail messages sent to business addresses was legitimate; the rest were unsolicited, according to a new report.
The Legend of How “Because” Ruined a Mailing
There’s an old story in direct marketing circles about a single word that caused a firestorm of controversy with recipients of a direct mail travel campaign to known travelers to Germany.
The word? “Because.”
Stupid Marketing Watch: Dumbest Free Sample Ever
Going through the checkout line at a Manhattan supermarket the other day, I received what has to be one of the stupidest free samples ever—a tiny bottle of water
Listrak Upgrades Software
Listrak announced today that it has launched Listrak 4.3, the updated version of its e-mail marketing software.
According to a press release, the new version includes
Social Delivers New Parenting Social Network
Parenting Web portal yesterday launched a beta version of a new online social community for expectant and current parents as part of its Web site, in a bid to engage parents and build its appeal for brand advertisers.
E360 Motion to Dismiss Comcast Lawsuit Denied
In suing Comcast for blocking his e-mail messages from subscribers