Demand Generation vs. Lead Generation: What Marketers Must Know

Peanut butter and jelly are two spreads that taste just fine on their own but form something altogether wonderful when combined.

While that assertion could be up for debate, a parallel for marketers is not: demand generation and lead generation, while each is helpful enough on its own, make a killer duo when joined together. But what’s the difference between the two, and what should marketers know about each side?

Though demand generation and lead generation are two terms that are mentioned often in marketing circles, it’s important to clearly define each before diving into the details.

“Demand generation is the process of creating and/or boosting awareness of a particular company or product with the intention of increasing leads,” says Tyler L. Barnett, founder and CEO of full-service consumer and lifestyle public relations firm Tyler Barnett Public Relations. “Lead generation is the process of collecting actual leads directly from consumers or client prospects and using those leads to boost revenue.”

Jason Garoutte, CMO and GM of customer-acquisition solutions provider Mintigo, puts it this way: “Lead-generation programs aim to capture qualified contacts and pass them to sales reps.