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What Ethnicity Says About How We Shop
As the growth of unique ethnic segments continues, its important marketers understand the differences and likenesses of the groups most important to their efforts. With that in mind, Performics teamed up with ROI Research to better understand differences in shopping behavior across ethnicities, and the role of the Internet and search engines in this process.
Data & Analytics
Brand President and (Sub-Brand) Vice President
On the basis of loyalty and engagement assessments, this week it appears that Barack Obama is going to be the newest White House resident. But we are also alert to the fact that, just like the consumer marketplace, how a brand is perceived can change quickly
Data & Analytics
E-Marketing to Women: Soccer Moms Aren’t the Goal
Is your Web site “pretty in pink?” If you’re trying to reach women, think again about your design scheme. E-Centric recently talked with Michele Miller and Holly Buchanan, authors of the new book “The Soccer Mom Myth” about what marketers are doing right and wrong
Data & Analytics
The Ultimate Metric: Marriage
It’s time for some holiday fun. Richard H. Levey reports on how to measure results when seeking, uh,
a mail order spouse. -
Data & Analytics
Marketing to Muslims
Does Islam scare you? It shouldn’t. U.S. Muslims are a growing market. and they want many of the same things that other Americans do. But you have to sensitize yourself to Ramadan (a month of fasting), Halal (Muslim dietary laws), and Islam’s different take on financial issues. Click here for more on selling to Muslims.
Data & Analytics
Top 10 Up & Coming Teen Sites
Teenagers care about self-expression, exploring their identity, honing their personal taste, connecting romantically with other teens, and being amused by silly, scatological, hyper-hormonal comedy. Click here for 10 up-and-coming Web sites that reflect the teenage mindset and interests, with examples of how marketers are participating.
Data & Analytics
Back to School Spending to Rise 7%
On average, consumers expect to spend $590 for back-to-school clothing and supplies, according to a new survey by Brand Keys. Click here to find out where and why they’ll be buying those pencils and books.
Data & Analytics
Four Tactics for Engaging Women as Healthcare—and General–Consumers
Women as consumers are different from men as consumers in so many ways. Men typically home in directly to their goal, while women generally meander and enjoy the journey.
Data & Analytics
Preparing for the Population Pyramid Shift
What kind of an audience will marketers be looking at in the year 2050? If you look into Andrew Zolli’s crystal ball, the population pyramid looks more like an hourglass
Data & Analytics
Hispanic Online Marketing: Beyond the Basics
Today there are relatively few online options that advertisers can use to target Hispanics. This reality is a result of two main factors.