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Data & Analytics
Reviews Nice to Share for TurboTax
Intuit’s TurboTax product has had over 20 million customers, and over 50% of those folks are using Facebook and have, on average, 150 friends. They obviously
Data & Analytics
Social Media Campaigns That Moms Love
Identifying Mom is the easy part—who she is, where she is, and what she likes. The hard part is balancing content with brand messaging and finding the right tone and authenticity.
Data & Analytics
The Thrill of the Crowds
It’s spring, and theme parks around the country are dusting off the hot-dog carousels and testing water rides. Sponsorship firm IEG took a snapshot of
Data & Analytics
MeritDirect, Penton Partnership Goes Beyond List Sales
MeritDirect will be gaining more than a file of 5.5 million postal names, 2.1 million e-mail names, 4.1 million telemarketing names, 400,000 international contacts and a database of 135,000 trade show attendees when it assumes management duties of Penton Media
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Become Invulnerable
As both media and audience segments become more fragmented, marketers have to work harder than ever to create and keep loyal customers. But the extra
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Sears Gets Social With the DIY Market
Sears is showing its “softer side” in more than just ad slogans: It’s getting into social marketing in a big way, first with two back-to-school initiatives designed to get high schoolers and incoming freshmen engaged
Data & Analytics
Editor’s Note: Dog Days and Holidays
Every Year at This Point, just at the turning of July to August, I experience a moment of complete calm. It’s a perfectly balanced time when everything
Data & Analytics
Hiring the Right Contractors for Multilingual Marketing
While some companies have in-house resources for translation, many look outside for localization resources. Here’s some things to consider before you sign a contract
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Steps to Managing Spanish Language Translation
In 2007, the Hispanic population had grown to an estimated 44,852,816. Given these numbers, this is an important audience to reach. However, from a language standpoint it’s not as simple as you may think
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Mobilizing Moms With Social Media
E-Centric recently chatted with Maria Bailey, author of “Mom 3.0: Marketing With Today’s Mothers by Leveraging New Media & Technology” about whether marketers are doing a good job reaching maternal girls online