Data + Privacy
Data & Analytics
Getting Marketing Data In Sync, in Real-Time
As customer expectations have grown for instantaneous feedback and services from merchants and service providers, the job of the marketer has become infinitely more complex—and the need for accurate marketing data more imperative.
Data & Analytics
Maximizing Customer Retention: A Data Fitness Test
Properly assessed and skillfully deployed data can give marketers better visibility into past, present and future customer behavior with a reasonable sense of accuracy. But only by gauging the health of our data using a structured process do we have a chance of successfully harnessing this incomparable resource. All companies face four critical issues addressable […]
Data & Analytics
Why You Need to Be Thinking About Second-Party Data
Data…we’re practically swimming in it. Here’s a quick rundown of what marketers need to know about data in all forms, including 8 tips for getting the most out of second-party data.
Cross-Channel Marketing: Is There a Quick Fix?
Although cross-channel marketing solutions are discussed, the topic is overwhelming. Learn how to cut through the noise.
Data & Analytics
Lessons in Navigating Uncertain Times
As Brexit adds another level of uncertainty for the economy, navigating uncertain times can be a challenge for any company. Three execs share lessons.
Data & Analytics
Ways Data-Driven Marketers Can Track Engagement
Earning engagement in today’s noisy and ad-adverse climate requires marketers to draw up a different game plan — and a modernized set of metrics to go along with it.
Data & Analytics
Getting Through the Data to the Insights: 4 Tips
The ongoing challenge is resisting the urge to collect and analyze everything we can get our hands on. Here’s 4 tips to efficiently gain insights from data.
Data & Analytics
Building a Strong Marketing Data Strategy
Knowing the best way to classify and build a structure to successfully use data in marketing is essential. Where do you begin?
Data & Analytics
Six Key Points in a Data Breach: How to React
Notifying customers about a data breach is hard, because it can be more art than science.
Data & Analytics
Misconceptions About Marketing Data
The digital world isn’t spared from data misconceptions. Let’s zero in on the 3 main categories of marketing data to grasp the differences of each.