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Data & Analytics
What’s More Important in Marketing—Art or Science?
Here are four things that could improve if marketing approached things from a science-first perspective.
Data Analytics is a Team Sport—What Position Do You Play?
These five key data analytics positions guide clients through significant and complex
business decisions with each team member playing an essential role. -
Data & Analytics
Finding Channel Partners With ABM: 3 Key Tips
How can businesses find optimal channel partners to expand revenue and amplify market impact? ABM can help.
5 Ways Marketing Can Support Sales
How can marketing create more content that supports c-suite engagement and boosts sales? Here’s five tips.
Data & Analytics
How Big Data Is Transforming Marketing into a Revenue Hub
Marketers have always known intuitively that their work was contributing to sales and now, big data is helping them prove marketing isn’t just a cost center.
Data & Analytics
Setting up Shop for 2017? Turn an Eye Toward the Competition
Here are three main strategies for approaching your competitive audit this holiday season.
Data & Analytics
Modern Marketing Health Check: How Does Your Company Stack Up?
Marketers are increasingly expected to take on non-traditional activities, and drive strategy—all to expedite change. While this may feel at times like “sailing against the wind” there is little doubt that a significant transformation is taking place.
Data & Analytics
Striking Gold in B2B Lead Generation
In the world of enterprise B2B lead generation, the relationship between sales and marketing is often fractious.
Data & Analytics
3 Reasons Targeted Data is Critical to ABM
Regardless of your ABM approach, targeted, clean, accurate and shared account and contact data is required to make ABM work at all, let alone work well.
Majority of Marketers Rely on Data to Manage Client/Agency Relationships: ANA Survey
More than 80% of advertisers are using data to manage client/agency relationships. The use of such data has shown positive results and will continue to grow.