Data-Card Service Debuts for List Community

A new service has launched for list managers.

Direct Marketing Information Online (DMIO), Palm Beach, FL, is a data card transmission service for list managers and owners.

The service transmits a daily e-mail announcing new-to-market, newly managed and updated files to 3,000 list brokers and other direct marketing professionals, Kathy Denney, a spokeswoman for the company said.

List managers that submit data cards to DMIO select a scheduled transmission date. One company’s list or lists are promoted per e-mail. The data cards are formatted and e-mailed at an introductory cost of $150 per blast. The transmissions can also be used to promote new products and services.

The company began compiling its list of e-mail addresses in January by contacting each company that it now transmits to. The company delivered an e-mail blast last month to its transmission list introducing the service. The Web site is (

The company was founded in January by president Andy Roiha.

In addition to DMIO, at least two other companies offer similar services. Marketing Information Network (MIN) in Oklahoma City, OK, sends out e-mail dispatches three times per day with list announcements to a file of 1,400 list industry professionals, Sara Bonny, a client services representative for MIN said.

SRDS sends one transmission daily to less than 500 brokerage service customers featuring list announcements. The company plans to ramp up the number of transmissions to include all of its subscribers to Direct Marketing List Source, the company’s list research and data card service tool, according to Mary MacLaren, vice president of product operations.