Coupons, Inc. Introduces CouponBar

Coupons, Inc., a provider of consumer-printed coupon marketing and technology services, has introduced CouponBar, a toolbar which, when installed into Web browsers, provides a regularly updated list of offers available on the Internet. Consumers can download CouponBar from

Offers delivered by the Coupons, Inc. platform appear simultaneously in the CouponBar, on manufacturer Web sites, in email campaigns, and on coupon sites.

Coupons Inc. Introduces CouponBar

Coupons, Inc., a coupon marketing and technology services provider, has introduced CouponBar, a toolbar which, when installed into Web browsers, provides a regularly updated list of offers available on the Internet. Consumers can download CouponBar from

Offers delivered by the Coupons, Inc. platform appear simultaneously in the CouponBar, on manufacturer Web sites, in email campaigns, and on coupon sites.