Commerce Bank, Dog Biscuits, And Why You Should…

Commerce Bank, Dog Biscuits, and why you should never forget that your best customer might have paws… A universal lesson in customer service.

A few weeks ago, I dumped Chase Bank, after writing a letter to them informing them that I hated them, and getting no response. I dumped them for my personal account, and moved over to Commerce Bank. Commerce claims that they’re the world’s most customer-friendly bank. Considering how I hate most banks, I doubted that.

Well, so far, they’ve been great. Today, however, was the clincher.

I had two deposits to make. The first one was at Chase, for the business account, which I just moved to Commerce, as well. I also happened to have my joint dog with me today. (Joint dog: a dog that came out of a relationship that’s no longer a relationship, so you split time with the dog. Similar to joint-custody.)

I walk into Chase with the joint dog. Being a Labradoodle, he’s a very good dog, and is quite smart. Waiting on line, he was nice enough to sit there and wait with me, despite numerous people coming over to pet him, ask about him, etc. (He’s quite an unusual breed.)

As I’m the next person on line, a bank security guard comes over to me. "Sorry, sir, you’re going to have to take the dog outside."

I was floored. "Why?" I asked. "He’s not bothering anyone, he’s sitting here with me as I make a deposit."

"No dogs allowed, sir. He might bite a customer."

He’s a Labradoodle. That’s a cross between a Labrador (Happiest dog on earth,) and a poodle. (Most neurotic dog on earth.) Yeah. He’ll take off your arm.

"He’s not going to bite anyone. He’s sitting here, as you can tell." At this point, the mechanical "Ding" of the "next on line" buzzer droned, so I walked Joint-dog over to the teller, and handed over my deposit. I looked back at the security guard and said, "I’ll take the dog right out, I’m just not waiting on line again."

Fortunately, the teller was fast, and arm-ripping-off Joint dog and I were out of there in another 15 seconds.

Very annoying.

So I walk the dog, and on the way back, stop at Commerce Bank, to make a personal deposit.

Joint dog and I walk inside. A woman behind the counter lets out a squeal. I kid you not, it was an honest-to-goodness SQUEAL. "EEEEEE!! That is the cutest dog I’ve ever seen! I must pet him!" She comes out from behind the counter, gets down on her knees, and starts petting the dog. This is before I even got to the counter, identified myself as a customer, whatever. I could have been robbing the bank, she wouldn’t have cared, as long as she got to give "belly scratches."

After about 40 seconds of this, she gets up, and extends a now fur-covered hand. "Hi, I’m (name forgotten,) the manager of this branch. Thank you so much for letting me pet your dog. We have Commerce Bank doggie treats behind the counter, is it ok if we give him one or two? And how can I help you today?"

At this point, she STILL hadn’t asked if I was a customer.

"Sure. And if possible, can I make this deposit?"

She grabs the deposit and deposit slip out of my hands, and passes it to a teller, who passes back some Milk Bones. (I didn’t check to see if they were Commerce Bank branded Milk Bones, but that’s not the point.)

"Does he do any tricks?" the branch manager asked.

"He sits, shakes hands, etc," I say, and she’s all over that like a cheap suit, making joint dog sit, paw, jump, bark, play dead, etc. At some point, the teller came out from behind the counter and gave me my receipt for the transaction.

Eventually, I pulled the dog away from the manager, and walked out, floored.

Do you see the study in contrast here?

Remember Avis’ "We try harder" campaign? Is it because they’re smaller? Yes. Does Commerce Bank keep dog biscuits behind the counter because a person with a dog might come in? Yes. And is that smart? Hell yes.

Go buy a book called Raving Fans. Customers expect to be treated like crap. Treat them (or their dogs) well, and you’ve made a customer for life, who will go and become a raving fan, telling the world how great you are.

Well, Commerce Bank is great, because they treated my dog well.

Chase Bank sucks, because they told me to leave. They also suck because they don’t treat their customers (or their customers’ dogs) well.

What’s the PR lesson here? I’ve just told what, 18,000 people this story? Imagine if You were the PR rep. for Chase, and you were reading this not in Digital Moses, but in Marketing Week, or Banking Age, or worse, Details. Not too good, huh?

Your job, (among the thousands of duties you’re tasked with) is to convince management that customer service in your company has to rock. It has to be amazing. Because only then, can you take full advantage of that from a PR standpoint, whatever your company does, and whomever your clients are.

Customer Service must be so good, that when you have a media opportunity, you can call ten clients or customers, and get positive feedback from them in a heartbeat. Keep a file of your happiest customers who are willing to talk to the press, and suck up to them. Make sure they have the latest company t-shirts, coffee mugs, etc. They are your link to why your company really is good, as opposed to you just saying it is.

Oh, find out if they have a dog. If they do, send them some biscuits.

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