Channel | Data Driven ROI

Cendant Adds Bewitching Incentive For Hotel Stays

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Cendant's Hotel Group is offering consumers an enchanting incentive to stay at one of its eight hotel chains this summer. Cendant offers consumers a magical summer incentive The hotel group has teamed with Sony Pictures and its upcoming motion picture ...

TIA Offers Top 10 American Treasure Spots, Sweeps

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

The Travel Industry Association is giving travel planners a big boost when it comes to top spots consumers have on their wish list to visit. The Grand Canyon and the Statue of Liberty are among the top frontrunners, according to a national survey by the ...

The Key Metric: Clicks to Opens

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

How wonderful. Your unsubscribe rate is miniscule. Your open rates are high. Your e-zine is doing great, right? Think again. These metrics are meaningless in telling you if you have a successful newsletter.

Myths About B-to-B E-Mail

When it comes to e-mail, yesterday's best practices often are today's conventional wisdom. Take scheduling. One piece of channel doctrine states that Tuesdays and Thursdays are the best days for sending e-mail newsletters or blasts.

Chief Marketer Videos

by Chief Marketer Staff

In our latest Marketers on Fire LinkedIn Live, Anywhere Real Estate CMO Esther-Mireya Tejeda discusses consumer targeting strategies, the evolution of the CMO role and advice for aspiring C-suite marketers.


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