“Tron: Legacy” Facebook Promo Puts Fans in the Movie
As if any were needed, Disney is building buzz for the Dec. 17 release of its new 3-D sci-fi adventure “Tron: Legacy” with a social app that lets users put themselves at the handlebars of a lightcycle from the picture
Cisco Listens To B-to-B Social Media Chatter
While business-to-business CRM may start with a backslap and a martini, Cisco Systems is using social media to build a better backslap. “Businesses go to certain watering holes,” says Theresa Kushner, director of customer intelligence within Cisco’s strategic marketing organization. “And those companies have individuals who are making decisions, who have voices they are sharing outside of their companies.”
Are Apps Overrated?
A new study, commissioned by promotion and experiential agency Moosylvania, found that the majority (80%) of smartphone users surveyed used apps
KFC Uses Twitter to Find Scholarship Applicants
KFC is using its Twitter account, @KFC_Colonel, to accept applications for its KFC Colonel’s Scholars. In other words, keep it short and sweet
Bridgestone Underlines Super Bowl Sponsorship with Facebook Ticket Giveaway
It may seem a bit early to be thinking about the Super Bowl. After all, the New York Jets haven’t even folded yet
Social Media, WOM, New Products, Draw Women To Brands
Gap recently offered a discount incentive for shoppers that checked in through Foursquare. The promotion helped catapult the retailer up a new listing of the 25 brands most important to women from No. 44 to No. 17
Going Global With Your Social Media Strategy
The rapidly evolving social networking landscape provides an open playing field for consumers to access your marketing across global, cultural and linguistic lines.
The Chieftains
How do you use Social Media, both personally and professionally? Janie Downey, Executive Director, New England mail Order Association
Social Hits Its Stride: Chief Marketer’s 2010 Social Marketing Survey
In last year’s Chief Marketer social marketing survey, we said that if you weren’t integrating social media into your marketing plans, you were not behind
Facebook Posts More Engaging Early in the Day, with Images: Vitrue
According to research by social media marketing agency Facebook, Vitrue posts incorporating images-including photos and coupons