

  • Going Mobile with Loyalty Rewards

    So you want to connect with a consumer or maybe reward him for making a purchase or sharing the good word about your product or service. A mobile rewards platform may be just what you need.

  • iAds and iPads: App-Based Ad Targeting

    NO MATTER HOW YOU GRAB HOLD OF IT, iPhone 4 was good for Apple’s revenues. And the iPad hasn’t hurt either. The company posted a 61% year-over-year gain

  • What’s Next for Text?

    Nielsen predicts that by the end of next year, the number of smartphones and plain old feature phones in the U.S will be equal. Does that spell the eventual demise of text messaging, or even its gradual dropoff

  • Ben & Jerry’s Lids Sinc With iPhone App

    Besides its Twitter tour, the Vermont ice cream superpower has launched another way to get people in touch with its treats: an iPhone app that makes visions

  • Brooks Takes Running Shoe Launch Mobile with 2-D Contest

    Sports gear maker Brooks is introducing the latest in its line of running shoes with a 2-D barcode campaign that can enter customers to win a mobile sweepstakes

  • Mobile, Minutes-As-Currency Key To African Markets

    The so-called BRIC developing countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China – may find a new region in their midst, if GlobalFluency has any say. The marketing firm has inked an agreement with africapractice, a strategic communications firm, under which africapractice will provide GlobalFluency’s partner organization The CMO Council with entry into 15 African nations.

  • Stakool to Purchase LinQpay

    Stakool Inc., a mobile payment services company, will acquire LinQpay, a similar company.

  • Mobile Marketing: Today’s New Frontier

    In spite of all that has been written about the benefits of mobile marketing, we are still explorers in this new frontier. And no different than in the past, it brings challenges and opportunities that are being discovered every day.

  • Velti Buys Media Cannon

    Velti, a mobile marketing services company, has bought Media Cannon Inc. a developer of mobile advertising tools and technology

  • Reasons to be Mobile

    With over 230 million mobile phone users in the United States, the third screen is well established in our lives. The recent Digital Divas research conducted