

  • Consumers, Marketers Adapt to Mobile At Different Speeds: Survey

    Consumers use smartphones to supplement, not supplant, other devices for shopping, and marketers’ use of mobile-enabled campaigns is lagging consumer adoption of the devices, according to a survey from Google and the Mobile Marketing Association.

  • Five Key Steps to Mastering Mobile Marketing

    The key to masterful marketing in this changing landscape is both understanding mobile users and creating a site that works on both traditional and mobile devices. Here are five tips for creating an exceptional Web experience on mobile devices

  • AmEx’s Paskalis Gives Ten Tips For Brand Marketers Using Mobile

    Brands don’t get to be 160 years old without being adaptable. Lou Paskalis, American Express’s vice president of global media, content developing and mobile marketing, offers a double handful of considerations for companies—established and emerging—entering the mobile space.

  • Corona CMO Talks Social and Mobile Marketing: Q&A

    If you don’t know where your beach is, real or imagined, Corona will help you find it. It’s latest program, “Find Your Beach,” uses social and mobile to encourage people to dream up their own beach setting as opposed to just enjoying the tranquil beach images Corona has conjured up for years.

  • Corona Creates a “Beach Mindset”

    We’ve all seen the images. A couple relaxing on a sandy beach in some balmy tropical destination, icy bottles of Corona topped with a lime resting on a table between the two. It’s that image that the brand wants consumers to draw upon and imagine themselves partaking in this summer as it begins the second phase of its “Find Your Beach” campaign.

  • Many Roads to Mobility

    Chief Marketer’s 2011 Mobile Marketing Survey tracks the way brands are going where the customers go

  • Optimizing your eCommerce Site for Mobile

    Mobile is marketing’s most portable and accessible channel. It puts brands literally in the palm of their customers’ hands. That’s the good news. The bad news is that the lure of proximity marketing is often overshadowed by impatience. Companies enticed by the promise of personal access to their customers often suffer a similar fate—a quick-and-dirty approach to mobile commerce which is marked by a brand’s attempt to recreate its entire website for the mobile platform.

  • Health & Wellness – to Go

    For health and wellness marketers trying to motivate healthy changes in behavior, mobile is a perfect fit. The most successful health and wellness initiatives are simple, convenient, and easily integrated into the consumer’s life. Mobile perfectly mirrors those attributes, allowing consumers to interact with the brand whenever and wherever they need to. Successful mobile programs devise engaging apps that create value for both the brand (through frequent and deep engagement) and the consumer (through instantly accessible information and support.) Here are four marketers who make mobile work:

  • Mobile Web a Tidy Fit for The Container Store

    The brand’s mobile incarnation ports over popular Web features such as customer reviews, Click & Pickup, and the ability to check in-store availability of an item

  • Shopkick Partners with The CW to Offer Mobile Deals via TV Ads

    When it comes to motivating users to become active in check-in services, discounts and deals are still uncharted territory. A recent survey of U.S.

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