

  • Nine Ways to Get Customers to Fall in Love with Your Email Marketing

    When it comes to email marketing, the last thing you need is for your customers to take you for granted. Here are nine ways to connect with your subscribers through every stage of the relationship

  • Crabtree & Evelyn Revamps Loyalty Program, Boosts Direct Mail Use

    Bath and body products retailer Crabtree & Evelyn is hoping an aggressive customer contact strategy and an updated loyalty program will result in the sweet smell of success.

    At the heart of its re-energized customer focus is “Platinum,” a loyalty program the company launched just over a year ago to replace its “Preferred” scheme. For a five dollar entry fee, members received 20% discounts on merchandise during the first week of each month.

  • Rise in Email Targeting Doesn’t Mean Decline in Volume

    The need to replace generic email “blasts” with targeted messaging was a key industry rallying cry during the past year. Sending fewer but more-relevant emails, the pundits declared, would lift open and clickthrough rates and reduce spam complaints, which in turn would improve senders’ reputations among the ISPs and therefore improve deliverability. Why, then, did the number of promotional emails sent by top online retailers increase 16% last year?

  • Healthcare Enewsletter Reform Perks Up Response

    Three steps–reducing frequency, creating better content, and redesigning the template–helped lift an enewsletter’s open rates by 30%

  • Acquisition Spending, Direct Mail on the Rise: Winterberry Report

    Whether the check is in the mail is debatable, but marketers are increasingly writing checks for direct mail according to Bruce Biegel, managing director of Winterberry Group.

    Winterberry’s Outlook 2011: What To Expect In Digital & Direct Marketing reports that mail as an ad medium has seen a resurgence of late, and will continue to do so.

  • Small Nonprofit Uses Email to Rally Against Big Utility

    In this modern-day David-and-Goliath story, email rather than a slingshot helped a scrappy community group stand up to a major utility company. The group’s efforts raised awareness among legislators, the media, and the public about a proposed natural-gas pipeline that would cut across private farms and Mount Hood National Forest in Oregon.

  • Spam Traps and Spam Complaints: How to Steer Clear

    Spam traps and spam complaints are two common causes of email deliverability issues. Here’s how to avoid them

  • ASPCA Cuts Churn By Updating E-Mail Addresses

    Never mind the dog: One animal-focused organization has generated a donation by cleaning up after its donors.

    “People can change email addresses as easily as they change their socks,” says Debbie Swider, emarketing director at ASPCA, adding that the organization’s procedure for updating contact information isn’t as efficient as it could be.

    As a result, the ASPCA saw an 18.5% churn rate within its email file, somewhat higher than the 17% standard for nonprofits, according to 2010 research from M+R Strategic Services and NTen.

  • Email Marketing Shift Drives Double-Digit Direct Growth for Cuddledown

    Home goods and apparel merchant Cuddledown decided that, when it comes to email marketing during the holiday season, more was more. By emailing its list on a more-frequent basis and creating special offers for certain segments of its list, Cuddledown helped to grow its fourth-quarter direct sales by 53% over 2009.

  • Having His Say: You’re Doing Email Wrong

    Who is out there recommending that businesses such as The Teaching Company, Borders,and Barnes & Noble email buyers and club members every day? Is someone really suggesting that this is an acceptable way to treat their customers?