

  • Effects of Email List Overabundance

    Welcome to Broker Roundtable, where each week we ask list brokers to give their opinions on issues that matter to the marketing community. This week’s question: What effect is the overabundance of email lists having on the market?

  • Black Friday Round-Up: More DMers Connect With Shoppers via Mobile, Social

    Midnight store openings may get the most press, but direct marketers claimed their share of Black Friday dollars, thanks in large part to mobile and social initiatives.

  • Marketers Increase Email Use On Black Friday

    Black Friday saw many brick and mortar retailers promoting themselves primarily through email, although pure-play online marketers weren’t shy about using email to cash in on consumers’ post-Thanksgiving shopping urges, either.

  • Direct. B to B to C in Mix for Tullamore Dew U.S. Effort

    The world’s second-largest Irish whisky is Tullamore Dew, and yet comparatively few Americans have heard of it, favoring instead competitors Jameson’s and Bushmills. Importer William Grant & Sons USA is using a mix of retail partner efforts and direct-to-consumer marketing to change that..

  • The Right Way to Grow Your Email Subscriber Base

    Many marketers wrestle with how to best grow their email subscriber lists. There are plenty of options, but they all have different pros and cons—and sometimes even legal consequences. From worst to better, here’s a quick rundown on some of these tactics and the pluses and pitfalls of each.

  • The Importance of Monitoring Email Inbox Placement

    The inbox placement metric takes deliverability one step further by looking at actual inbox activity. Did your message go into the spam or junk folder? Was it delivered in a timely manner? This information is crucial for many brands…

  • Tips for Better Holiday Email Marketing Campaigns

    Fortunately for retailers working to increase their percentage of the estimated $873 to $877 billion in total holiday sales, setting up email marketing for holiday shoppers takes less time than it does to untangle the lights and unpack the ornaments. Here’s some tips to put together an effective holiday email campaign.

  • Tips for Leveraging Mobile Marketing Email

    To make the most of mobile email, however, it’s critical that you think beyond the traditional messages you send to your customer’s desktop PC. Obviously you must optimize the physical format of the email to the device. But just as important is leveraging the mindset and motivation of mobile users.

  • Email Tricks and Treats

    One of the best parts of Halloween was always dumping out the Trick or Treat bag at the end of the night, to see what kind of haul you got. I did the same with my inbox this morning. Here’s what I found. The Natick Collection sent an email invite to …

  • St. Benedict Press Tries Magalogs, Email, Social to Reach Catholics

    St. Benedict Press is using a combination of magalogs, social media and email marketing to reach a new audience beyond its house file.