Before You Acquire E-mail Subscribers, Assess Their Worth
The most common mistake marketers make when it comes to acquiring e-mail subscribers has nothing to do with where they place the sign-up box on their Web site, or what incentives they offer, or even which media they use to promote their e-mail offering.
Milwaukee Tool Discovers the Power in E-mail Video
Video is hot, and e-mail is useful. Obviously it would be good to combine the two and get both the heat and the utility by delivering video in e-mail. Problem is that e-mail hasn
Milwaukee Electric Tool Discovers the Power in E-mail Video
Video is hot, and e-mail is useful. Obviously, it would be good to combine the two and get both the heat and the utility by delivering video in e-mail. Problem is that e-mail hasn’t traditionally been a good medium for serving up video within the message.
Slogging Toward E-mail Metrics Standardization
Discrepancies in defining the metrics used to measure e-mail marketing has led the Email Experience Council to create a list of standardized definitions.
Three Vital Elements of E-mail to Test
Savvy e-mail marketers understand the importance not only of testing to increase performance but of choosing the right types of tests to run.
The iPad and E-mail: What You Need to Know
When Steve Jobs unveiled the iPad in late January, the hype obscured the facts, making it difficult for to determine what effect, if any, Apple’s new tablet computer would have on e-mail marketing. But with at least 12 million people expected to buy iPads this year and next, according to Piper Jaffray, it’s worth looking beyond the puffery to see how marketers need to accommodate the product.
Going Mobile: Tips for Launching a Mobile Marketing Program
Putting together a mobile marketing campaign differs from implementing a traditional e-mail marketing campaign in several significant ways. Because of these differences, you need to take several additional steps and measures when developing a mobile component to your e-mail marketing efforts.
Building a Better E-Newsletter
Getting folks to interact with your e-newsletter can be difficult. Given all the clutter of today