

  • Bazaarvoice Gets the Word Out

    For Sam Decker, the epiphany came when he was struggling with a volcano of slime. More specifically, it was a HotWheels Slimecano racing set, bought on as a Christmas present for his children, and it was a bear to put together on Christmas Eve. The pieces wouldn’t fit properly, and the river of slime refused to ooze. “I tried everything I could, both with and without the directions, and it just wouldn’t work,” Decker says. “Finally I slammed it back in the box and went to Amazon to write a bad review. And I found that there were already 77 negative reviews on that site, all giving it one star out of five. And Amazon was still selling it.”

  • Stupid Media Watch: Self-Important Windbags Get Spam Blocked

    The San Jose Mercury News last week ran an insufferable article describing how Comcast blacklisted e-mail from the oh-so important members of the online community The WELL.

  • Hillary’s Privacy Bill a Whopper

    New York Sen. Hillary Clinton has introduced a far-reaching privacy bill that could spell deep trouble for any business that uses so-called personally identifiable information for marketing purposes.

  • Stupid Magilla Watch: Please Pass the Drool Bucket

    Last week, we poked fun at the results of a study claiming that pump-and-dump spammers can make as much as 6% on their investment with each blast.

    Turns out our analysis was embarrassingly off the mark. We

  • Knee-Jerks Blast RadioShack

    RadioShack last week reportedly sent about 400 employees an e-mail letting them know they

  • What They Say Isn’t What They Do

    Business-to-business e-mail recipients say they prefer to get these messages on Mondays and Tuesdays, according to a study by e-mail marketing services

  • A Better Opt-Out

    MICROSOFT BECAME THE DARLING OF THE E-MAIL marketing world last month yes, Microsoft, the evil empire itself by adding an unsubscribe link to its free

  • DMers Offer Five Unconventional Tips

    THINK E-CARDS ARE STUPID? Then you weren’t sitting in the audience at the 50 DM Ideas in 50 Minutes panel discussion last month at the List Vision conference

  • What Went Wrong?

    Deborah Gallagher isn’t convinced that e-mail works for prospecting. But she’s willing to give it another chance. The MIT Sloan Management Review’s director