What They Say Isn’t What They Do

Business-to-business e-mail recipients say they prefer to get these messages on Mondays and Tuesdays, according to a study by e-mail marketing services provider eROI. But open and clickthrough rates indicate differently.

Thirty-six percent of respondents said they wanted their business e-mail on Tuesdays and 33% on Monday, the poll noted, which covered the second quarter.

The least popular days for receiving B-to-B e-mail were Saturdays and Sundays, with 1% and 3% of respondents, respectively, choosing those days.

By contrast, Friday edged out all others as the day people would like to receive consumer e-mail, EROI reported.

Thirty-one percent said they preferred their B-to-C messages to arrive on Friday, while 26% named Wednesday, 22% preferred Tuesday, 20% named Monday and 19% said Thursday.

Once again, Saturday and Sunday came in last, this time with 16% and 11%, respectively.

But eROI found that Saturday and Sunday led the week in terms of open rates while Thursday and Saturday were first and second in click rates. Saturday had the highest open rate at 38.3% and the best click rate at 5.4%. Also, actual behavior metrics were far more evenly distributed, with the lowest open and clickthrough rates coming on Friday at 32.7% and 4.4%, respectively.