Bad Reputations Account for 83% of Blocked E-mail: Return Path
While most e-mail marketers think forbidden content is usually why their e-mail gets blocked from recipients, senders’ bad reputations are responsible the vast majority of the time, according to deliverability concern Return Path.
HTML, Subject Lines Affect E-Mail Open Rates: Study
If electronic newsletter and e-mail efforts have seemed a bit off recently, there may be solace in numbers: Both open rates and click-through percentages fell in first-half 2006 from the second half of 2005, and from first-half 2005’s levels, according to a new study.
How E-Newsletters Can Help Drive Sales
The Internet is a treasure trove of information, a tool for research, and a conduit for communication. And yet, one of its flaws is that there is almost too much information online: finding exactly what one is looking for can be a difficult and frustrating process, even with the advent of more powerful and intelligent search engines.
All Eyes on Illinois as Spamhaus Faces Possible Shutdown
Anti-spam group The Spamhaus Project may have severely miscalculated when it thumbed its nose at an Illinois judge
The Meaningless Open Rate Metric Remains Meaningless: Study
E-mail open rates declined almost imperceptibly in the first half of 2006, compared to the second half of 2005, according to a benchmark study released last week by e-mail service provider MailerMailer last week.
Attention Ex-DoubleClickers: Your Old Job May Await
Word on the street is that Epsilon Interactive
Unbelievable: Utah Expects Foreign Firms to Use Registry
Utah officials expect foreign companies to pay to scrub their lists against its cockamamie do-not-e-mail registry. Or at least that’s the conclusion we drew after an e-mail exchange with a spokeswoman.
Worldata Report: E-mail List Price Slide Continues
Several quarters of weakness in the e-mail list sector have continued unabated with lower prices and lower demand, according to the latest quarterly Worldata List Price Index released Monday.
U.K. E-mail Clickthrough Rates Up: Survey
E-mail acquisition clickthrough rates have risen from 6% to 8%, according to the U.K. Direct Marketing Association’s National E-mail Benchmarking Survey.
InfoUSA Acquires Digital Connexxions
InfoUSA has acquired Digital Connexxions, an e-mail marketing company that specializes in the small-to-medium market and the publishing industry.