
Direct Marketing | Print

  • U.S. Court Bars Firm and Owner From Deceptive Telemarketing

    A federal judge has barred an individual and a company from engaging in deceptive marketing and ordered them to pay $15,000 in consumer redress.

  • Using Metrics To Shape Your Direct Marketing Plan

    Justification is the name of the game when it comes to determining a direct marketing budget. It’s no longer good enough to make generalizations about how much revenue you’ll make or what the margin contribution to your bottom line will be. Today, management wants to know what the ROI is going to be before releasing funds. And they want to see detailed proforma metrics as the justification, regardless of the size of the program.

  • Loose Cannon: All That Meat and No Tomatoes

    I’m going to give direct response marketing a rest this week. Brand advertising has more than its shares of foibles, and in the spirit of balance I offer the following, which vivisects one such campaign. A slightly different version of the following piece first appeared in CM Plus (, Direct executive editor Beth Negus Viveiros’s excellent newsletter which covers the lighter side of marketing. The spot itself is available on the YouTube video sharing site I wrote about last week ( Type “Manthem” into the search box and… enjoy?

    In a scant six months, Burger King’s television commercials have gone from the sublime to the ridiculous.

  • E-mail Creative: What Works and What Doesn’t

    (Multichannel Merchant) Imagine creating and sending a print mail piece only to find out that before delivering it, the U.S. Postal Service stripped out the graphics and put little symbols where pictures used to be.

  • The Write Stuff for SEM

    (Multichannel Merchant) Hardly anyone talks about what tends to be the most critical component of paid search success: the marketing communications strategy.

  • A Data Match Made in Heaven

    (Multichannel Merchant) Joe and Ted both spend the same amount of money annually with a multichannel electronics merchant. But by analyzing both behavioral and demographic data on Joe and Ted, the company can see that the amount of money they spent is pretty much the only thing the two customers have in common

  • Delving into Data-Driven Marketing

    Is your business ready for data-driven marketing? Did you know that data-driven marketing is nimble enough to fit even multichannel merchants with annual sales of less than $5 million? A little known secret is that data-driven marketing works for any size organization.

  • Bush to Nominate Bilbray to USPS Board of Governor

    President Bush intends to nominate James H. Bilbray to be a Governor of the U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors, for the remainder of a nine-year term expiring Dec. 8 and for an additional nine-year term expiring Dec. 8, 2015.

  • Software Maker Gets 40% Conversion Rate

    Esquire Innovations is using Web demos to close sales.

  • Dr. Miracle’s DR Efforts Grow Firm Quickly

    Dr. Miracle’s is using direct response print, television, the Web and unconventional advertising wisdom to make a name for itself. And it seems to be working: The Brooklyn, NY company, which markets hair-care products to the African-American community, has grown from $1 million two years ago to $10 million for the just-ended fiscal year.