
Direct Marketing | Print

  • The Fine Art of Seduction

    If Daniel Morel has a few days off, you might find him atop a peak in Colorado. Or he might be popping in on Tulane University in New Orleans, his MBA

  • Mother’s Little Helper

    Toys. Car seats. Clothes in a multitude of sizes. Diaper Genies. UltraSaucers, ExerSaucers and bouncers, oh my. Moms know these things can take over the

  • Sells Like Team Spirit

    The New England-New York rivalry plays out regularly on baseball diamonds and football fields. But online, who wins? We spent some time perusing the sites

  • The Best Catalog Ever

    MY FIRST IN DIRECT MARKETING (THOUGH there was no such name for DM then) was hand-creating individual fliers to stuff into neighbors’ mailboxes. The terrific

  • I Want My $2,000 in Pennies

    THIS PAST SUMMER McMurry, a midsize marketing agency in Phoenix, sent out a postcard announcing its pending reopening. As part of its campaign, it offered

  • Put It to the Test

    Testing is critical to success in direct mail. And of course, the same theory applies online. The Web is extremely conducive to testing from both cost

  • Don’t Stop Now

    ARE YOU ACTING JUST LIKE most other small businesses out there? Do you ignore or fail to communicate to your existing customers often enough? I’m not

  • Just for You

    TODAY MORE THAN EVER, consumers and business prospects alike subscribe to the age-old direct marketing principle WIIFM: What’s in it for me? Personalization

  • Need for ROI Leads Firms to DM

    THE AGE OF ACCOUNTABILITY has arrived. Marketers will spend $961.9 billion on communications this year. And return on investment will play a big role

  • Before You Begin

    DMers have to forget about the traditional approach and analyze the sales cycle with metrics and statistics to better understand their market. These same