Wenda Harris Millard Elected Vice Chair of IAB
The board of directors at the Interactive Advertising Bureau has elected Wenda Harris Millard to serve as its vice chair. Millard has been a member of the board of directors, as well as its executive committee, since 2003.
WeTrust Shopping Search Engine Launched
London-based WeTrust Internet Research Group has launched, a search engine directory for consumers to locate e-commerce Web sites offering specific products and product categories.
Religious Jewelry Puts Faith in Pay-per-click
After selling various types of jewelry through sites like Amazon and, Troy Lemaire decided to start his own Web site, putting faith into a very specific niche—religious jewelry.
Looking beyond the Click to Customer Engagement
Once upon a time, Web analytics was a fairly straightforward proposition. You kept track of a few leading indicators such as traffic, ad clickthroughs, page views and sales or other conversions (however you defined them), and you got a pretty good picture of how well your site was ticking over.
Tailoring the Landing to the Search
From search and display ads to e-mail campaigns, print ads, direct-response TV and even direct mail, direct marketers are driving prospects to the Web in increasing numbers. But who’s building all the landing pages those prospects are pulling up to?
Online Pharmaceuticals Spending to Rise, But Trust May Not Follow
Online spending within the pharmaceutical industry will jump from $975 million this year to $2.2 billion in 2011, according to eMarketer.
Acxiom Acquires EchoTarget
Acxiom Corp. has acquired EchoTarget, a dynamic banner retargeting firm. Acxiom did not reveal what the terms of the transaction were.
Michael Sprouse Joins AdzoogleAds as CMO
Online marketing services provider AzoogleAds has named Michael Sprouse chief marketing officer.
New Digital Agency Opens in San Francisco
Catalyst is a new digital marketing agency in San Francisco that’s been founded by John Durham and Cory Treffiletti. Both have extensive online marketing experience.
Landmark Acquires InternetSeer
Landmark Communications Inc. has acquired Corp., a provider of small business Web site monitoring, for an undisclosed sum.