

  • The Latest Scoop

    Talk about your dual personalities. Ben & Jerry’s is a super-premium-quality product with an offbeat, fun, irreverent brand. The two concepts don’t always

  • Feeding the Kitty

    Every creature has its phobias. To many cats, water is anathema. Some dogs abhor the sound of the vacuum cleaner. And then there are consumers who fear using a credit card to shop online.

  • East Side, West Side, Online

    Earlier this year, NY Skyride was looking for a way to convey its high-tech pizzazz to Web visitors. It had to be snazzy and engaging: Competition for the Big Apple tourist dollar is tight, and NY Skyride, a 12-minute Imax tour of the city’s landmarks housed on the second floor of the Empire State Building, faced a unique challenge.

  • American Blogstand

    A pilot program in which news was turned into song became the second most popular video feature on last month.

  • In the Zone, Online or Off

    AutoZone Inc.’s new product look-up system for driving in-store sales will soon be tried on its Web site.

    The $6 billion company, which sells auto parts and accessories, has two customer segments: do-it-yourselfers and professional technicians. But it faced a challenge: How to make sure it had the exact parts customers needed.

  • E-Dialog Taps Hughes as Senior Strategist

    E-Dialog, an online marketing services firm, has hired Arthur Middleton Hughes, founder of The Database Marketing Institute Ltd., as a senior strategist who will work with clients on direct marketing best practices and customer retention strategies.

  • Publicis Teams With Dassault on 3D Venture

    Publicis Groupe, the French advertising conglomerate, has signed a memorandum of understanding with Dassault Systemes to create 3dswym, a global joint venture in the field of Web-based 3D.

  • Something4 Acquires Netcallidus Ltd.

    Something4 has acquired Netcallidus Ltd., an online marketing services company.

    Terms were not disclosed.

  • SEMDirector, comScore Pair up for Search Share Analysis

    Web traffic measurement firm comScore is partnering with search reporting automation firm SEMDirector in a joint marketing initiative, the two companies announced.

  • New Products and Services a new Web site designed to help consumers safeguard their privacy and identities–, Waltham, MA.