Live from NEMOA: The “Crumb” Theory of Search
Search marketing can be a “crumby” business. But that’s a positive, not a negative, according to consultant Alan Rimm-Kaufman, president
US Golf Association Launches New Digital Catalog
The United States Golf Association (USGA) has launched a new online digital version of its new spring 2004 catalog Monday. The site,,
Live From Search Engine Strategies 2004: Make Your Landing Page Sell
A recent review by Google sent A1 Vacation, a site promoting regional resorts, lowered the site’s search results dramatically. Hawaii vacations,
Op-Ed: Who Kidnapped My Keyword?
Few Internet marketing techniques have been as widely adopted as search marketing and affiliate marketing. Web publishers are merging the two techniques
Google Acquires Applied Semantics
Google, the Mountain View, CA-based search engine company, has acquired one of its suppliers: Applied Semantics. The financial terms were not disclosed.
Ask Jeeves Taps TBWA/Chiat Day
Ask Jeeves Inc., an internet search engine provider, has a awarded its creative/advertising business to TBWA\Chiat\Day in San Francisco and media buying
Live From Search Engines Strategies 2003: It’s About the ROI, Stupid
As keyword bid management consultants compete for clients, return on investment tools are becoming a differentiator for many companies.
Live From Search Engine Strategies 2003: Aubuchon Retools for Effective SEO
Aubuchon Hardware had a serious problem. A year ago, the regional hardware retailer was entirely reliant on keyword buys on Overture. The company wanted
Sprinks Rolls Out Sponsored Links for Web Sites and E-Newsletters has introduced two new sponsored-links products through its Sprinks division. ContentSprinks provides links to text-based ads on Web pages.
Overture to Buy Norway Firm for $70 Million
Search company Overture Services Inc. plans to buy the Web-search unit of a Norwegian technology company for $70 million and an incentive payment of up