

  • Surveying the Search Landscape

    Search advertisers are becoming increasingly hungry for competitive intelligence. As paid search takes its place alongside more traditional marketing media, players feel the need for a comparative tool

  • Playing a Smart Game of Search Marketing

    When Michael Sack wants analogies to describe the search marketing industry, he reaches out to either Wall Street or Las Vegas. “Those are both places where they take money seriously,” says the chief technology officer of search services provider Inceptor.

  • You Have Traffic

    Worldwide search-engine marketing revenue is expected to increase from $1.4 billion in 2002 to nearly $7 billion by 2007 and is the third-largest money-making

  • Driving for the Green With SEM

    When Brandon Whildin joined DeKalb, IL-based Diamond Tour Golf as director of marketing about three years ago, the company had almost no Web presence. Diamond had been importing and selling golf club components — heads, shafts and grips — for about seven years by that time. Business was conducted mostly over the phone and dealt in volume-discount sales to small or midsize club makers. It also was extremely seasonal.

  • Shopping around

    Comparison shopping engines can help you boost sales and acquire customers provided your company’s product is a top contender among the search results.

  • SEM From A to Z

    Nowhere in all of marketing is there a more misunderstood word than “optimization” (as in search engine optimization). The term originated from the practice of modifying HTML on Web pages to increase “crawlability.” But it largely was replaced by “search egnine marketing” as search became more of a marketing and advertising function than a responsibility of tech departments.

  • Patrolling the Clicks

    The measurement and eradication of click fraud—bogus clicks on pay-per-click ads from anything other than honest potential customers—shot to the top of the hot-topic agenda in se4rach engine marketing when Google chief financial officer George Reyes told an analyst conference in December that such fraud was a threat to his company’s business model.

  • Golf Wholesaler Drives for Green with SEM

    How does a business-to-business enterprise retool to increase its appeal to consumers?

    When Brandon Whildin joined DeKalb, IL-based Diamond Tour Golf as director of marketing about three years ago, the company had almost no Web presence. Diamond had been importing and selling golf club components

  • This Search Gets Around

    You can search from your desktop PC for nothing more than the cost of Internet access, but if you want to use your mobile phone to search– for a restaurant, a movie theater, a florist or a taxi

  • Landing Pages 101

    Analysts say that everyone’s contact list decays by about 30% a year, due to the obstacles that separate people. From big events like divorce, death, relocation and job changes down to things as trivial as new cell phone numbers or altered e-mail addresses, life is constantly throwing up roadblocks to keep people from making contact with one another.And you can add faulty Web searches to that list.