Navigating the EU’s Rough Regulatory Seas: Understanding the DMA and DSA Impact on Digital Advertising
Nowadays, strategies for thriving in the ever-evolving world of digital media and digital advertising are more about navigating the complex seas of regulation than anything else. With the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the Digital Services Act (DSA), the European Union is charting new territories — particularly following significant actions against tech titans like Apple, Google, and Meta.
Will the EU AI Data Act Spur Federal Action in the US?
The EU AI Act is the world’s first comprehensive law regulating AI and Lawmakers in the European Parliament expect implementation by the end of the year. The law adopts a horizontal, risk-based approach applicable across various AI development sectors.
Privacy Sandbox: What’s Wrong With Video?
You all know about the back and forth this past month that started with the extensive report the IAB Tech Lab released criticizing Google’s Privacy Sandbox. Though in all the summaries and hot-takes, video still hasn’t been getting enough attention and it’s an area that needs the most work ahead of the Q3 deadline.
What are the Best Practices for Using Alternative IDs?
As the industry moves away from the use of third-party tracking cookies, there are several solutions taking shape to help target users while keeping their information secure. One of those solutions is alt IDs, which tend to befuddle even the most seasoned players. The most important thing right now in trying to solve the alt ID problem is not to recreate the cookie problem.
What Is the IAB Tech Lab’s Privacy Sandbox Demo Tool & How Does it Work?
The IAB Tech Lab’s Privacy Sandbox Demo Tool, donated by Index Exchange, was developed to showcase Protected Audience API (PAAPI), a component of Google’s Privacy Sandbox. Using the tool, any ad tech professional can run through a demonstration of PAAPI to see how user interest groups are created and how relevant ads can reach consumers without cookies.
What Is Iab Tech Lab’s Data Deletion Request Framework & How Will It Simplify Data Deletion?
There is currently no industry standard for completing data deletion requests. We caught up with Rowena Lam, IAB Tech Lab’s Senior Director of Privacy & Data, to see how they conducted this research, the findings, and the following steps to make a standard Data Deletion Request Framework a reality.
Explain This to Me…Best of AdMonsters Decoder 2023
This year, our Decoder series covered the gamut —- iOS 17 privacy updates, state privacy laws, and supply path optimization. If you missed them or want a chance to revisit them, here are the top AdMonsters’ Decoder stories from 2023.
What Is PAAPI (Protected Audience API)?
Alongside the Topics API and Attribution APIs, PAAPI is intended to preserve the ability of publishers to monetize Chrome users while simultaneously protecting those users from the perceived intrusiveness of the combined weight of the targeting capabilities of the existing advertising technology marketplace.
What Is the IAB’s Podcasting Buyer-Seller Checklist?
The idea to create the checklist first came up in an IAB Audio Committee meeting during which Brittany Clevenger, Senior Director of Audio Partnerships at top podcast advertiser BetterHelp, made a simple but powerful point about the need for information sharing within the podcast industry that became the checklist’s guiding principle.