Catalogers expect a strong summer season after the majority reported increased profits and mailings during spring 1999, according to a Direct Marketing Association survey.
Some 70% of respondents cited increased or stable catalog mailings for the spring. Nearly two-thirds noted increased or stable profits for the spring, as well, which closely matched last falls’ results.
Other results included:
* A rise in reports of increased response rates, from 27% in fall 1998 to 44% in spring 1999.
* 92% say sales per order increased or were stable in the spring.
* 44% are optimistic about the summer season.
* Following a jump in fall 1998 to 73%, respondents planning to increase their mailings for the upcoming season was consistent with the previous spring wave, with 53% for spring 1999.
* 56% increased their house file size for spring 1999.
The Catalog Industry Trend Survey is conducted three times a year by the DMA. It was mailed to 476 catalog members of the DMA and achieved a 7.6% response rate.