Canada Post Proposes Hiking Admail Rates 4%

Canada Post late Thursday proposed raising its postage rates for admail, the equivalent of standard mail in the U.S. by an overall weighted average of 4% for 2009.

These rates will be effective through 2011.

The admail category will also incorporate catalog mail in 2009, Canada Post said.

Next year, business reply mail will have an overall average increase of 2.4%.

In addition, the rates for unaddressed admail, the equivalent of saturation mail in the U.S, will increase by an overall weighted average of 6.4% next year.

In 2009, Canada Post is also introducing a two-tiered basic and premium offering to reflect the additional value received with certain types of printed matter and product samples that are not addressed to specific addresses in the country.

This offering will include oversize unaddressed admail, which was introduced in January. The category includes samples, mail targeted to businesses and date-specified mailings, according to Canada Post.

Canada Post is also introducing three price categories to its distance based structure for letter carrier presorted mail.

In addition, the domestic letter mail rate would increase from 52 cents Canadian (51 cents) to 54 cents Canadian (53 cents) in Jan. 2009.

“Soaring fuel prices coupled with increased labor and delivery costs mean our margins are razor-thin, and very close to being negative,” said CEO Moya Greene, in a statement.

Canadians have 60 days in which to make representations to the Minister Responsible for Canada Post regarding these proposed increases, according to Canada Post.