CA Gov, Senate Committee Agendas Clash Over FCRA Preemption

California Governor Gray Davis has signed several pieces of consumer protection legislation into law. He also released a letter he sent Monday to Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee chairman Richard Shelby (R-AL) and ranking member Paul Sarbanes (D-MD), in which he urged them not to water down financial privacy and identity theft protections.

In Sacramento, Davis signed:

* SB 186, which contains penalties of up to $1 million per unsolicited e-mail
* AB 763, which prohibits mailers from sending out any document that contains a social security number if the number is visible without the envelope being opened
* SB 27, which allows consumers to learn how personal information being held by non-financial institutions is being used, and urges non-financial businesses to provide consumers means to opt out of having their information shared with third parties
* SB 602, which helps consumer provides a variety of remedies for identity theft, including strengthening law enforcement investigative tools, capping fees at $10 if a consumer wants to freeze his credit file, and prohibiting bars, car dealers and other businesses from collecting information for marketing purposes by swiping driver