Big Fat Marketing Blog

Social Media Meets Mainstream TV (Again)

|  by Tim Parry

Is CBS a hip genius in touch with the 21st century? We'll find out soon. It picked up the social media phenomenon " Shit My Dad Says" as a part of its fall line-up. But will it fly, or will it just be, um, a comedy starring William Shatner and ...

Yet Another Big Fat Marketing Blog Post About Facebook

|  by Tim Parry

Hey, are you guys talking about Facebook? I LOVE Facebook! I love how marketers are taking advantage of it, and I love how Facebook causes personal relationships to crumble! Seriously though, Brian Quinton and Erik Hauser both posted about Facebook in ...

Walmart’s M-commerce Gave me Baby Blues

|  by Tim Parry

I'm going to be a first-time father this fall. I don't know if I'm the only father-to-be who does this, but when I have to run an errand at a store, I look at the baby items to see what's cute and useful for our future son. At a local Walmart this past ...

Another Reason for 5-Day Delivery?

|  by Jim Tierney

National Dog Bite Prevention Week is nearly upon us and that can only mean one thing: The U.S. Postal Service will receive its 5-day mail delivery? Well, here me out. The USPS is a staunch supporter of National Dog Bite Prevention Week (May 17-23), ...