Big Fat Marketing Blog

Saks for Sale?

|  by Tim Parry

Could be. This just in this morning from New York Times's DealBook blog. The blog got its information from The Daily Mail, which reports: Rumours emanating from Manhattan suggest a private equity consortium, comprising both U.S. and U.K. players, ...

And Now, a Word from Our Customer

Lately more and more marketing emails seem to be referencing their top-rated and best-reviewed items in their subject lines and headlines.

Bad Ballpark Promotions

Strange things keep happening at the Texas Rangers ballpark, where in July a fan fell from the upper deck trying to grab a foul ball, instead splattering five really unlucky spectators down below. (They're all fine, by the way). This time, it was a ...

NYT: Charges Settled Over Fake Reviews on iTunes

|  by Tim Parry

Here's an article from the New York Times that is going to make consumers stop and think for a second. The ratings and review both e-commerce merchants and consumers rely on so much may be a fake. According to the article, the Federal Trade Commission ...

Big Lottery? Big Deal.

Surely you've noticed the increase in state lotteries popping up, upping the ante with sports and entertainment tie-ins and bigger and bigger prize pools. Seems like another example of forward-thinking revenue generation, right? Wrong. In yet ...