Big Fat Marketing Blog

Friday Book Review: Real-time Marketing and PR

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

I really did enjoy reading "Real-time marketing and PR" by David Meerman Scott. He sites good examples of how monitoring online conversations and reacting to them can make or break your PR and marketing efforts. The use of social media is ...

Will Carper Help Save USPS?

|  by Jim Tierney

Sen. Tom Carper, a Democrat from Delaware, knows the U.S. Postal Service is in trouble and he wants to fix it. Earlier this fall, Carper introduced the Postal Operations Sustainment and Transformation (POST) Act (S.3831), which addresses the current ...

My Mother-in-Law is an Online Shopper

|  by Tim Parry

That's not my mother-in-law, by the way. That's just an image I swiped from one of those "we'll save your credit" ads. My 70-something mother-in-law was complaining about Kmart being open on Thanksgiving Day and said she'll never buy from them again. ...

How the Comcast Stole Cyber Monday?

|  by Tim Parry

If you have Comcast as your Internet Service Provider, you either can't read this, or this post is already outdated. Customers from Boston to Washington, DC suffered from an Internet outage Sunday night, and some customers are still feeling the effects ...

Terry Lundgren on The View

|  by Tim Parry

Yes, it's Black Friday, and I'm watching The View... I've got a good reason though: Television was on, and I hear "Today, on The View, Macy's president, chairman and CEO Terry Lundgren!" And of course I had to hear what he had to saw and/or plug on Black ...

Oh, No, Ocean State Job Lot’s Social Faux Pas

|  by Tim Parry

I like New England-regional closeout store Ocean State Job Lot, both on Facebook and in real life. But I've got to call them (and most-likely, its interactive agency) out for making a major social media mistake... or two. OSJL is advertising on ...