Big Fat Marketing Blog

The Sky is Falling! Oh Wait, It’s Just Labor Day

|  by Beth Negus Viveiros

Did you survive? Do you have enough rations? Water? Clothing? Emergency supplies? The end of days are upon us! At least, that's what it felt like in my inbox. Maybe I'm not a good mom, but my kids going back to school no longer sends me into a ...

Why The Data Industry Should Hate Steve Jobs

|  by Richard H. Levey

Steve Jobs has been vacuuming up accolades since he announced he was stepping down as Apple's CEO, with commentators lauding everything from his engineering savvy to his marketing acumen to his fierce protection of Apple's exclusivity. The New York ...

Looks Like Chapter 11 for NewPage

|  by Jim Tierney

As we reported in Multichannel Merchant earlier this year, coated paper supplier NewPage was waist-deep in financial turmoil and now the largest manufacturer of coated paper in North America is on the brink of Chapter 11 bankruptcy. In a filing with ...

A Tasty QR Code Concept

|  by Melissa Dowling

I was reading some interesting reader comments posted on our recent story, Are QR Codes on Catalogs Cutting It?, when I received an email with the subject line

Catalogers Need To Get More Personalized

|  by Jim Tierney

Catalogs are going to have to get more personalized, according to Fatemeh Khatibloo, senior analyst for customer intelligence at Forrester Research. As print-on-demand becomes more cost effective, Khatibloo says

Facebook: Places Out, Location In

|  by Tim Parry

If you look way, way down in its blog post about its new sharing features, you'll see Facebook has announced the end of its location-based Places feature. But have no fear, people who complain they're being stalked by their Facebook friends but still ...


|  by Tim Parry

Steve Jobs has resigned! It must be Applegeddon! The "Appholes" (a moniker my nephew, filmmaker J Orion Liptak, came up with for those who must-camp-out days in advance to be the first to get the newest iProduct) are ducking for cover! Google's ...

Do Personalized School Supplies Make Kids More Vulnerable?

|  by Tim Parry

Interesting press release issued yesterday by It's a warning that personalized school supplies can make your children a target for abduction. The skeptic in me thought this was hogwash. Why would pencils with my son's name on it ...