Big Fat Marketing Blog

The Season For Clever Subject Lines

|  by Melissa Dowling

I get SO many marketing emails every day that sometimes I end up deleting giant blocks of them, especially on a Monday morning. But I noticed a few subject lines from emails this past weekend that at least made me click through to see what they were ...

People’s United Bank Does Sweet Job With QR Code

|  by Tim Parry

I like cake. I like QR codes. I don;t really like waiting around in banks, but my dealings with a probate issue and customer appreciation day at my local People's United Bank branch gave me a sweet item to blog about. People's is using a QR code as ...

Irving Does Promotions Like it’s 1999

|  by Tim Parry

I saw this sign on a gas pump last Tuesday while I was driving to Boston for the Annual Summit. And it made me feel 10 years younger. Even if Irving is piloting its rewards program, it shouldn't be so 20th-century user-friendly (oxymoron) ...

Discover Slower Than George W. Bush

|  by Tim Parry

You think George W. Bush was slow to respond when Hurricane Katrina slammed the Gulf Coast back in 2005? They weren't as slow as Discover Financial Services was to respond to Hurricane Irene. I got this email from Discover on Sept. 14, more than two ...

Baseball’s Marketing Error

|  by Larry Riggs

By now a lot of people have heard that Major League Baseball forbade members of the New York Mets from wearing caps honoring the first responders to the Sept. 11, 2011 attacks on the event's 10th anniversary. The league officially banned team members ...