Big Fat Marketing Blog

Reward Your Seasonal Staffers

|  by Jim Tierney

There is so much talk these days about holiday preparations and about hiring and retaining seasonal staffers. Some companies, like Fairytale Brownies, go the extra mile and offer incentives to make the holiday grind much more enjoyable. Kim Silva, ...

What is that Purple Box?

There it was, dangling over the roadway from a tree along the side of the road in a small community in upstate New York. A large three-sided purple box tethered high up in the tree by a long yellow rope. It had suddenly appeared there. There was no sign ...

Mailing Green’s Still the Way to Go

|  by Larry Riggs

Right now, when the economy is continuing to suffer with no end in sight and everybody, including direct mailers are struggling to survive, has respect for the environment taken a back seat? Ecological concerns about direct mail may get lost at a ...

A Postal Christmas Carol

|  by Melissa Dowling

My uncle is always forwarding us emails about sick children, urban myths and other weird stuff. He sent this one a few months ago, and it's probably the only one that ever made me laugh. Since we're about to get into the holiday season and the U.S. ...

Aisle #6

Aisle #6 Erik Hauser It feels great to take a seat at a keyboard that I just haven

Postal Needs Falling On Deaf Ears?

|  by Jim Tierney

Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe seems past his boiling point as he rehashes crucial issues connected to the uncertain financial status of the U.S. Postal Service and its questionable viability in the future. In a recent interview in The Washington ...