Big Fat Marketing Blog

Less Love for Valentine’s Day Sales This Year?

|  by Beth Negus Viveiros

Typically, one holiday is barely over before the products for another flood store aisles. Think about it. Fourth of July fireworks go up and Halloween candy hits the shelves. Carve your pumpkin and malls are decked with boughs of holly. But this ...

Getting Your Money’s Worth.

My new year was already ruined the other day when I read that LG Electronics is breaking a new ad campaign, conceived, developed and executed by Conde Nast. There are no external creative agencies involved, just the publisher using their connections to ...

Marketing Measurement Mussings

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Check out this T-mobile viral video. Well over 1 million views in a week. Impressive. Or is it? This viral marketing masterpiece is being viewed, no doubt about that. BUT, is it selling phones/plans? You see, when you do measurable marketing it's not ...

Chew on This

I was held up at airport security for an hour a couple of years ago because they suspected I had a serrated-edge razor blade in my backpack. Now, as a creative director, there's no telling what might be in my bag at any given time, but i KNEW i didn't ...

Happy National Pie Day

|  by Tim Parry

That's not me at the left, but God, would I love to be in his shoes. After all, today is National Pie Day, my third favorite holiday behind Christmas and Thanksgiving. Come on, marketers, why aren't you taking advantage of this? Where's the Pie Fairy ...

No Thank You, And Please Remove Me From Your Calling List

|  by Tim Parry

Last week I was bidding a sad farewell to the newspaper industry. Now I just want one daily newspaper to just stop calling me, and make it easy to be removed from its calling list. One simple way to do this: Don't set your auto-dialer to start ...

Taking A Cue From

|  by Jim Tierney

In the world of sports, bottom-tier teams often look to proven winners and try to copy their winning methods. Perhaps, upstart online companies should start doing the same and shadow principles used at Apparel and shoes marketer ...