Big Fat Marketing Blog

Godiva Hotel Promo a Bit of a Downgrade

|  by Beth Negus Viveiros

Every year, Godiva runs a Valentine's Day sweepstakes in which one lucky winner receives a slip in their box of chocolates telling them they've won a fabulous prize. This year, the winner gets a weekend at a chocolate themed hotel room in New York. ...

Miller High Life Offers Up Super Bowl Alternative

|  by Tim Parry

Grant Johnson mentioned Miller High Life's 1 Second Ad campaign last week. I'm just reinforcing that I like it... to a degree. I think I may have recently blasted Miller High Life's loyalty program recently, but I can't find the link. But the 1 ...

PETA Saves $3 Million By Being Too Risque

|  by Tim Parry

PETA says vegetarians make better lovers. PETA wants everyone watching the Super Bowl to know the celery garnish is good, but the plate of wings it's on is bad. But the sexy 30-second ad it wanted to spend $3 million on was banned from airing during the ...

Lewis Black: A Grump in Paradise

|  by Beth Negus Viveiros

There are some celebrity endorsements that you can see from a mile away, because they just seem like such a natural fit. Cranky comic Lewis Black and laid back Aruba? Nope. I never would have put them together in a million years. Still, it's ...

10 Funny Super Bowl Commercials

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Humor in advertising entertains, but does it sell? You be the judge. Here is a list of 10 funny Super Bowl ads. How many do you recall? Better yet, how many of these ads made you run out and buy what was being ...

Super Bowl 44

I'm reading reports about the cancellation of gala, big-ticket events surrounding this weekend's Super Bowl, a true sign of the economic apocalypse. Playboy and Sports Illustrated both cancelled what in the past have been some of the hottest parties ...

What are YOU So Sad About?

I've noticed that everyone I talk to is depressed. Cranky, even. Everyone knows someone who's out of work, and even those of us with jobs seem dissatisfied, and edgy. This happens every January in the midwest, I'm aware, about the time holiday bills ...

The Pope As YouTube Star

Whatever messages emanate from the Vatican these days will likely be streamed on YouTube in what is a landmark departure from the traditionally austere veil of selective communications that has characterized the Church's practices. The stated reason Pope ...