Big Fat Marketing Blog

An Open Letter From John Rowady

|  by Tim Parry

John Rowady is the president of rEvolution (that's how they spell it, for all you Monday Morning Editors out there), a sports marketing and media agency based in Chicago. His public relations people sent this open letter to a bunch of us in the media, ...

Marketing Advice For Times Like These

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

A friend asked a good question that is very pertinent in today's economy: "How do you position your marketing in a recession?" I have some opinions, based upon real world experiences that might be helpful: Make sure you focus on customer service and ...

Social Media Prospecting Tips from a Pioneer

|  by Brian Quinton

Jory Des Jardins knows a thing or two about social media. In 2005 she co-founded the BlogHer conference with two partners, Elisa Camahort and Lisa Stone, to build a community among women bloggers. In 2006, the trio added a BlogHer ad network that hooks ...

Think Through Your Social Commitments

|  by Beth Negus Viveiros

So, why are you social? It's a good question, and one many of us don't really think through before we delve into blogs, wikis, social sites and the like. A interesting article over at The National Law Journal ponders the concept for lawyers, ...

Skittles Sweet On Social Media

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

As marketing shifts and more tests are conducted with emerging media, Social Media continues to be approached. Skittles, those small, multi-colored, hard semi-circular globs of gewy sugar has added user content to its home page. Based on blog mentions, ...

First Monday Book Reviews: March 2009

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

The first Monday of each month I review one to five books I read. Here's two for your reading pleasure. Title:Convergence Marketing: Combining Brand and Direct Marketing for Unprecedented Profits Author: Richard Rosen ISBN#: 978-0470164938, ...

Paul Harvey: RIP

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

I Really can't recall the first time I heard Paul Harvey. I do remember that listening to him, however, was special. He was a broadcasting legend and akin to an old friend on the radio. When traveling and stumbling upon "The rest of the story" while ...