Big Fat Marketing Blog

Netflix Just Made Someone $1,000,000 Richer

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

In an effort to improve efficiencies by 10% or more in its movie recommendation model, Netflix asked anyone who was interested to prove that they could do so over their current model. Three years later they have a winner. This is good PR, but even ...

inviting coworkers

That's the plain and direct post that launched the irritating phenomenon we now know as Twitter. It was actually the second tweet, sent forth at 1:02 pm on March 21, 2006, to whom I'm not really sure. The first tweet, sent moments before that one, ...

“But on Sept. 4, You Wrote About…”

|  by Tim Parry

Public Relations people are getting smart... or I should say Google Savvy. Now instead of pitching their press releases, article ideas, and clients for interview to targeted publications, they are pitching ideas via Google search results. Which, ...

Blockbuster Shutting Stores and Taking on Netflix and Redbox

|  by Tim Parry

Blockbuster has not made an announcement about this, but they may as well since they filed this 8-K yesterday with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Blockbuster will close more stores than expected, and shift its business to accommodate 21st ...

Are All Car Dealers Morons?

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Here's a story on poor customer service you may enjoy. Recently I began the painful process of looking for a new car. A SUV, actually, to replace our 2002 Chevy Suburban, as with 4 kids and a dog, my family does not fit into a traditional car. My ...