Jerry Bernhart, owner of Bernhart Associates Executive Search, LLC, will host a “Tweetchat” focusing on direct marketing jobs. The Tweetchat will be held, via social interaction network Twitter, on Sunday, Jan. 10 at 8 pm Eastern.
“We’ve decided to host another session in response to a large number of requests we’ve received since our first session last August,” Bernhart said in a statement. “As we begin the new year, there are still many unemployed direct marketers out there who could use all the help they can get.”
Bernhart told Direct Newsline he had divided his previous Tweetchat into four 15-minute segments, with the conversation bouncing from salaries to interview tips and advice on how to asking questions. It also included an open forum at the end.
“The lesson I learned [from that chat] was how hard it is to keep up, Bernhart said. “The tweets were flying!” Bernhart handled it by inviting participants to respond to tweets with suggestions and answers.
In addition to questions and comments, Bernhart also encourages participants to share job leads.
All that is needed to participate is a Twitter account. To join the session, go to, sign in with a Twitter username and password, enter DMCareers in the “enter hashtag to follow” box, then click on “Go” to the DMCareers chat room.