
  • Sponsored Advertising on Twitter and Facebook May Damage Brand Perception

    A new survey from MediaBrix found that promoted tweets, sponsored Facebook stories, and other forms of social and mobile advertising may actually damage consumers’ trust and perception of brands. Among the findings was that 62 percent of consumers who had seen promoted tweets on Twitter in the past 12 months said they had a negative […]

  • Asks Customers What They Want to Pay for a Deal is a new site and app that puts a spin on the daily-deals model made popular by Groupon and LivingSocial. The platform doesn’t send consumers random deals each day

  • 82% of Small Businesses Will Not Run Daily Deals This Holiday Season

    According to a new survey from Manta, 43 percent of small- and medium-business (SMB) owners are more optimistic about holiday sales this year, while 23 percent are less optimistic. Manta also found that 82 percent did not and will not run a daily deal with the likes of Groupon this year. Just 3 percent of […]

  • A Year After Groupon’s IPO: Lingering Questions, Less Attention and an Uncertain Future

    Groupon went public on Nov. 4, 2011. There were reasons to be skeptical about the company back then

  • The Top 5 Ways Marketers Should Use Twitter for Lead Generation

    According to comScore Media Metrix, Twitter boasted 36.8 million unique visitors in the U.S. in September, enough to make it one of the top 30 Web properties that month. With such a large audience, it’s no surprise that Twitter is a key tool for marketers

  • HubSpot Raises $35 Million to Help With Hiring, Expansion and Acquisitions

    HubSpot, an inbound-marketing software firm, has just announced a $35 million round of mezzanine financing, bringing its total financing to $100 million. The funds will be used to fund growth through hiring, international expansion and acquisitions. “We’re generating revenue at an annualized run rate of $60 million, up more than 80% over last year, and […]

  • Microsoft Gets 30 Brands to Sign up for Windows 8 In-App Ads

    Microsoft recently announced that it has 30 brands on board to spend their money on Windows 8 in-app ads. Coca-Cola, Ford, Samsung, Hyundai, LG and The Tribune Company are among the companies that signed up. “The interactive display ads can feature image galleries or video players and run within Microsoft’s own apps such as Bing, […]

  • Foursquare Seeking Fourth Round of Funding With a Valuation of up to $800 Million

    Foursquare is reportedly looking to raise a Series D round of funding for an amount between $50 million and $100 million. According to TechCrunch, Foursquare is seeking this round at a pre-money valuation of $700 million-$800 million, which has a few venture-capital shops raising their eyebrows with skepticism, given the company’s less-than-awesome growth since its […]

  • The Top 10 Things Every Creative Mobile Campaign Must Have

    The pervasiveness of 3G, the expansion of 4G, and the increasing usage of tablets and smartphones all point to mobile taking center stage in the next three years. This means bigger portions of ad budgets should be directed to mobile, but it also means that mobile should be integrated into the bigger marketing picture. With […]

  • Twitter Planning to Add Photo Filters, a la Instagram

    According to a report from The New York Times, Twitter is planning to modify its mobile app by adding photo filters, which would put it in direct competition with Instagram and, ideally, enable its users to avoid Facebook’s popular app. Twitter considered a “photocentric product acquisition” before, but Facebook’s purchase of Instagram lit a fire […]