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Facebook Ad CTR: Up 11% in Q2 2012

According to TBG Digital’s “Global Facebook Advertising Report: Q2 2012,” Facebook ad engagement increased by 11 percent in the second quarter. Meanwhile, Facebook ads in the U.S. saw average cost per thousand impressions (CPM) rise 25 percent. The report measured 406 billion impressions in more than 190 countries, according to TBG Digital. According to the…

Unique Open Rate for Email: 20.1% in 2012

According to the “2012 Silverpop Email Marketing Metrics Benchmark Study,” the overall mean unique open rate for emails is 20.1 percent, while the overall mean click-through rate (CTR) is 5.2 percent. The report found that the mean unique open rate worldwide is 20.1 percent, while the median is 15.0 percent, the top quartile is 43.7…

Nearly 4 in 10 Parents Will Head Online for Back-to-School Shopping

According to the National Retail Federation (NRF) back-to-school (K-12) and back-to-college shopping this year will reach $83.8 billion, making it the second biggest consumer spending event for retailers, after the winter holidays. The NRF’s 2012 Back-to-School spending survey, conducted by BIGinsight, found that the average person with children in grades K-12 will spend $688.62 on…

Google Sites, BrightRoll and Hulu Were the Top Video Ad Properties in June 2012

According to comScore’s latest figures, a record number of online video ad streams were seen in June, with Google Sites, BrightRoll Video Network and Hulu leading the way. Overall, Google Sites boasted the most unique viewers during the month. In June, there were 180.4 million unique Internet users in the U.S. who watched online video…

With So Many Solutions, Why Are There Still So Many $#!*Y Leads?

Those in performance marketing operate in an interesting world. It’s all about scale – more clicks, more leads, more sales. It’s a constant balancing act between volume and quality. In an ideal world, every lead would turn into a customer. It would make for a simpler world, but it doesn’t scale. And, when you get…

No More Subtlety: Your Exclusive Savings to LeadsCon Ends Tomorrow

Here’s the deal, and it is actually a deal. We know those in online marketing are procrastinators. We’re procrastinate. But, we hate to see it cost money. LeadsCon East is less than two weeks away. If your calendar doesn’t already say “LeadsCon” on it from July 23 – 26, something’s wrong. If it does, and…

San Francisco Is the Top Mobile Search City

The YP Local Insights Report for the second quarter of 2012 highlights the top growth categories in mobile search, including wedding planning and supplies, hardware stores and outdoor recreation. The report also reveals the top 10 mobile search cities, a list led by San Francisco. According to YP, the top 10 search categories (online and…

Email Is the Preferred Channel for Permission-Based Promotional Messages

According to “The 2012 Channel Preference Survey” from ExactTarget, nearly 8 out of 10 consumers prefer to receive permission-based promotional messages via email. Direct mail was a distant second. ExactTarget identified six factors that dictate channel preference for consumers: content, immediacy, accessibility, privacy, formality and initiation. The survey found that 45 percent of respondents use…

Paid Search up 17% in Q2 2012, Keyword Pricing up for the First Time Since Q3 2011

According to Covario, paid search spending rose 17 percent in the second quarter compared to the same period last year. Meanwhile, keyword pricing increased for the first time since the third quarter of 2011. Covario’s quarterly global paid search spend analysis showed that spending on paid search advertising was up 17 percent year-over-year in the…

17% of Cellphone Owners Go Online Mostly on Their Cellphones

A recent report from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project found that nearly 9 out of 10 U.S. adults owned a cellphone of some kind in April, with a majority of this population using their cellphones to go online. The report also found that 17 percent of all adult cellphone owners go…